Save A Cow
Come be a part of this historic cause and bring health, wealth, peace, and serenity into your lives.

The Reverence of Cows in Vedic Culture
The Reverence of Cows in Vedic Culture
The Reverence of Cows in Vedic Culture
In Vedic culture, cows are revered as symbols of motherhood and life, representing the sacred cycle of existence. They are seen as vessels for souls before and after human life, and their presence during significant events is considered a blessing. Associated with Mata Gayatri, cows embody maternal energy. The hump on a desi cow houses the Surya Ketu Nadi, which absorbs cosmic energies that promote health and harmony. Caring for cows enhances well-being, while harming them leads to disharmony—a truth recognized across cultures.
In Vedic culture, cows are revered as symbols of motherhood and life, representing the sacred cycle of existence. They are seen as vessels for souls before and after human life, and their presence during significant events is considered a blessing. Associated with Mata Gayatri, cows embody maternal energy. The hump on a desi cow houses the Surya Ketu Nadi, which absorbs cosmic energies that promote health and harmony. Caring for cows enhances well-being, while harming them leads to disharmony—a truth recognized across cultures.
In Vedic culture, cows are revered as symbols of motherhood and life, representing the sacred cycle of existence. They are seen as vessels for souls before and after human life, and their presence during significant events is considered a blessing. Associated with Mata Gayatri, cows embody maternal energy. The hump on a desi cow houses the Surya Ketu Nadi, which absorbs cosmic energies that promote health and harmony. Caring for cows enhances well-being, while harming them leads to disharmony—a truth recognized across cultures.
Historical Significance and Protection of Cows
Historical Significance and Protection of Cows
Historical Significance and Protection of Cows
Many historical figures have championed cow protection. King Prithu saved humanity from famine by milking a divine cow, and Lord Krishna, known as Gopal, is celebrated as the protector of cows. Various rulers imposed bans on cow slaughter, acknowledging their intrinsic value. The first Indian slaughterhouse, established in 1760 in Calcutta, coincided with a devastating famine, underscoring the consequences of mistreating cows. Thus, nurturing and protecting cows are essential for prosperity and health in Indian culture.
Many historical figures have championed cow protection. King Prithu saved humanity from famine by milking a divine cow, and Lord Krishna, known as Gopal, is celebrated as the protector of cows. Various rulers imposed bans on cow slaughter, acknowledging their intrinsic value. The first Indian slaughterhouse, established in 1760 in Calcutta, coincided with a devastating famine, underscoring the consequences of mistreating cows. Thus, nurturing and protecting cows are essential for prosperity and health in Indian culture.
Many historical figures have championed cow protection. King Prithu saved humanity from famine by milking a divine cow, and Lord Krishna, known as Gopal, is celebrated as the protector of cows. Various rulers imposed bans on cow slaughter, acknowledging their intrinsic value. The first Indian slaughterhouse, established in 1760 in Calcutta, coincided with a devastating famine, underscoring the consequences of mistreating cows. Thus, nurturing and protecting cows are essential for prosperity and health in Indian culture.

What We Do?

24-Hour Animal Emergency Helpline
24-Hour Animal Emergency Helpline
Our dedicated team responds to over 6,865 rescue calls globally. With ten ambulances at our disposal, we ensure timely rescue and assistance for distressed animals. Our swift response has earned us the trust of organizations like the Municipal Corporation of Delhi.
Our dedicated team responds to over 6,865 rescue calls globally. With ten ambulances at our disposal, we ensure timely rescue and assistance for distressed animals. Our swift response has earned us the trust of organizations like the Municipal Corporation of Delhi.

Indo-Bangladesh border
Indo-Bangladesh border
Over 50,00 animals have been saved from meeting a bitter end at the Indo-Bangladesh border through the joint efforts of BSF and Dhyan Foundation. Smuggling has been brought from lakhs to near zero in last one year in state of West Bengal with our efforts.
Over 50,00 animals have been saved from meeting a bitter end at the Indo-Bangladesh border through the joint efforts of BSF and Dhyan Foundation. Smuggling has been brought from lakhs to near zero in last one year in state of West Bengal with our efforts.

Plastic Removal Surgeries
Plastic Removal Surgeries
Stray bovines often ingest plastic that can lead to severe health complications. We provide lifesaving surgeries and care to alleviate their suffering and ensure their rehabilitation.
Stray bovines often ingest plastic that can lead to severe health complications. We provide lifesaving surgeries and care to alleviate their suffering and ensure their rehabilitation.

Water Troughs and Feeding Points
Water Troughs and Feeding Points
We set up water troughs and feeding points for stray cattle to meet their basic needs both on the streets and within our shelters.
We set up water troughs and feeding points for stray cattle to meet their basic needs both on the streets and within our shelters.

Fodder Supply
Fodder Supply
We work tirelessly to ensure a consistent supply of fodder for stray and abandoned cattle while dedicating efforts to care for injured and neglected bovines.
We work tirelessly to ensure a consistent supply of fodder for stray and abandoned cattle while dedicating efforts to care for injured and neglected bovines.

Reflective Collar Belts for Cows
Reflective Collar Belts for Cows
To enhance safety at night, we have distributed over 15,000 reflective collar belts to stray cows and calves. This initiative reduces the risk of accidents on roads and safeguards their welfare.
To enhance safety at night, we have distributed over 15,000 reflective collar belts to stray cows and calves. This initiative reduces the risk of accidents on roads and safeguards their welfare.

Tvarye tushte aham tushtah, kupite kupitastvaham |
tvattah priyataro nasti mamanyo dvijpungva ||
Says Lord Shiv to Nandi: Satisfying you will satisfy me, distressing you will anger me.
There will be none more dear to me than you.
Our Gaushalas
70,000 Mouths
fed on a daily basis across all Dhyan Foundation shelters
47 Gaushalas
including temporary shelters at border outposts
INR 3,00,00,000
spent every month to feed and nurture these animals
We are the “ONLY” organization in the world with 90% non-milking, old cows and nandis, 100% of these rescued from traffickers and illegal slaughter houses.
We have the biggest population of Nandis for nurturing only, across the world.
Visit Our Goshalas
Help us in this noble cause!
All donations to Dhyan Foundation are exempt from tax under 80-G

Sponsor 1 tractor of greens at any shelter
Rs. 5,100

Provide winter blankets & tirpal for 25 gauvansh
Rs. 11,000

Provide jaggery, mustard oil cakes for 51 gauvansh
Rs. 25,000

Sponsor relocation of 18 gauvansh (1 truck)
Rs. 51,000

Feed chokar to 251 gauvansh for a month
Rs. 1,08,000

Gift a shed to 50 gauvansh
Rs. 5,10,000
Animal Helpline
Visitors Please Note! Dhyan Foundation does not promise or claim to perform any miracles, healings or demonstrate supernatural powers to the practitioners.
Please do not come to us looking for any of these. If you are looking to cure a disease, visit a doctor. If you are looking for financial gains, visit a consultant. If you want to mend relationships, visit a counsellor.
Come to us when you are desirous of the journey beyond.
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Animal Helpline
Dhyan Foundation
A-80, South Extension Part II,
New Delhi-49, India
Visitors Please Note! Dhyan Foundation does not promise or claim to perform any miracles, healings or demonstrate supernatural powers to the practitioners.
Please do not come to us looking for any of these. If you are looking to cure a disease, visit a doctor. If you are looking for financial gains, visit a consultant. If you want to mend relationships, visit a counsellor.
Come to us when you are desirous of the journey beyond.
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.